Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab 1 | Read Now
Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab
Program 1:
- A] Create a Java class called Student with the following details as variables within it.
- Name
- Branch
- Phone
Write a Java Program to create n student objects and print the USN, Name, Branch, Phone of all these objects with the suitable headings
- B] Write a Java Program to implement the stack using arrays. Write Push(), Pop(), and Display() methods to demonstrate its working.
1a – Program Code
class student { String USN,NAME,BRANCH,PH; student(String U,String N,String b,String p) { this.USN=U; this.NAME=N; this.BRANCH=b; this.PH=p; } void display() { System.out.println("\nEnter the students detail"); System.out.println("USN="+this.USN); System.out.println("Name="+this.NAME); System.out.println("Branch="+this.BRANCH); System.out.println("Phone No="+this.PH); } } public class lab1a { public static void main(String[]args) { student ob1=new student("CS112","xxx","CSE","119"); student ob2=new student("CS132","yyy","CSE","118"); student ob3=new student("CS098","zzz","CSE","117"); ob1.display(); ob2.display(); ob3.display(); } }
1b – Program Code
import java.util.Scanner; public class lab1b { final int max=5; int s[]=new int[max]; int top=-1; void push(int ele) { if(top>=max-1) System.out.println("stack overflow"); else s[++top]=ele; } int pop() { int z=0; if(top==-1) System.out.println("stack underflow"); else z=s[top--]; return z; } void display() { if(top==-1) System.out.println("stack empty"); else { for(int i=top;i>-1;i--) System.out.println(s[i]+" "); } } public static void main(String args[]) { int q=1; lab1b m = new lab1b(); System.out.println("program to perform stack operations"); Scanner sc=new Scanner(; while(q!=0) { System.out.println("1. push 2.pop 3. display 4.Exit"); System.out.println("Enter your choice"); int ch=sc.nextInt(); switch(ch) { case 1: System.out.println("enter the element to be pushed"); int ele=sc.nextInt(); m.push(ele); break; case 2: int popele; popele=m.pop(); System.out.println("the poped element is"); System.out.println(popele+" "); break; case 3: System.out.println("elements in the stack are"); m.display(); break; case 4: q=0; } } } }