C PROGRAMMING LAB – 13] Implement structures to read, write, compute average- marks and the students scoring above and below the average marks for a class of N students
- Step-1: Start
- Step-2: Read number of students
- Step-3: For every student, read the student id, name , marks for all the subjects
- Step-4: Calculate the avarage marks and store it in the avg field
- Step-5: Print the results
- Step-6: Initialise loop
- Step-7: Read teh average of every student
- Step-8: Check for if avg>35.00
- Step-9: If yes than print the result else goto next interation
- Step-10: Initialise the loop
- Step-11: Read average of every student
- Step-12: Check if avg<35.00
- Step-13: If yes than print result else goto next iteration
- Step-14: Stop
Flow Chart
Program -13 source code
#include<stdio.h> struct student { char usn[10]; char name[10]; float m1,m2,m3; float avg,total; }; void main() { struct student s[20]; int n,i; float tavg,sum=0.0; printf("Enter the number of student="); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("Enter the detail of %d students\n",i+1); printf("\n Enter USN="); scanf("%s",s[i].usn); printf("\n Enter Name="); scanf("%s",s[i].name); printf("Enter the three subject score\n"); scanf("%f%f%f",&s[i].m1,&s[i].m2,&s[i].m3); s[i].total=s[i].m1+s[i].m2+s[i].m3; s[i].avg=s[i].total/3; } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(s[i].avg>=35) printf("\n %s has scored above the average marks",s[i].name); else printf("\n %s has scored below the average marks",s[i].name); } }
Enter the number of students
- Enter the details of 1 students
- Enter USN = 100
- Enter the name = Rude
- Enter the three subject score = 10 21 15
- Enter the details of 1 students
- Enter USN = 222
- Enter the name = Krish
- Enter the three subject score = 11 9 10
Rude has scored above the average marks
Krish has scored below the average marks
C PROGRAMMING -Viva Questions
1] What is structure?
2] How to declare a structure?
3] What is a structure member?
4] What is the difference between array and structure?
5] What is a nested structure?
6] What is typedef?