Data Structures Interview Questions (Part-1) | Read Now

Data Structures in the computer sector make up an essential part for understanding the basic operations of lists, stacks, and so on.

In this post, the top asked interview questions based on Data Structures are displayed to shine-up your skills and make you capable of cracking the interview for job or internship smoothly.

1] How you brief on the terminology “Data Structures”?

  • The Data-Structure (DS) conveys a procedure of organizing information in a manner that it may be used advantageously.
  • Multiple data structures are ideally adaptable to various operations, while some are technologically advanced for certain functions.

2] What sort of Data Structure enables you to modify entries in an interconnected list with ease?

  • The linked-list form is the optimal data-structure to employ if you ever want to shift the entries of an interconnected list around. Rather of constructing an array, you immediately alter the list.

3] How many sorts of Data Structures are centrally present till today?

  • Data Structures are primarily partitioned into 2 sorts:
    1. Linear: A linear/sequenced DS is one that the items of a structure emerge in a sequential or a straight list. Arrays, Linking Lists, Queues and Stacks are amongst its illustration.
    2. Non-linear: A non-linear DS is one where components of the structure emerge in the traversal of node not being executed in a particular sequence. Trees, networks or Graphs, or other similar arrangements are amongst its illustration.

4] What are numerous operations that could be done on diverse Data Structures?

  • The numerous operations employed on the data-structures are:
    1. Insertion: Appending or adding a newer element into the current data-structure
    2. Sort: Arrangements of the elements in ascending/descending pattern
    3. Search: Exploring the location of a data element that is present in the current data-structure
    4. Deletion: Removing/Eliminating an entry from the current data-structure
    5. Traversal: Every data point must be accessed only once in order to be processed
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5] How the file data-structure differs from that of storage data-structure?

  • File data-structure: The file data-structure  representation is a display of data into additional or supplemental memory, including a hard drive or an USB drive, that maintains data which remains constant unless intentionally erased.
  • Storage data-structure: This sort of data is retained in the memory space, or RAM, and then discarded once a process that employs it has ended.
  • The distinction is that data in a storage structure is retained in the computing system database, but data in a file structure is retained in the supplementary memory.

6] When is it permissible to utilize a binary-search in Data Structures?

  • With a listing of organized and ordered components, you can employ the binary searching sort DS.
  • The searching will commence in the center of the distribution of list and will then evaluate to either proceed at the beginning or the ending of that listing.

7] How the data structure namely “Arrays” differs from that of Linking list data structure?

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SL.NOArrayLinking List
1Dimensions are staticDimensions are dynamic
2Insertion or elimination of a component is tough and costlyInsertion or elimination of a component is easy and cheap
3Random accessibility is supportedRandom accessibility is not supported
4Additional system memory is not neededAdditional system memory is needed
5The high locality of cachesThe low locality of caches

8] How many sorts of Linking lists exist in Data Structures?

  • A linking list is a structure with every component being an independent entity. 
  • Types of Linking list:
    1. Singly list: In this sort of linking list, each node maintains the location or references of next element/node in the listing, while the last node contains NULL for its next location or reference.
    2. Doubly list: There are 2 references concerned with every node in a doubly linking list. One of it’s links refers towards the next node, whereas the other refers to the prior node.
    3. Circular list: A circular linking list is a sort of list in which all of the elements are interconnected in a circular manner. There is zero NULL at the ending of the structure. Its sorts are:
      • Singly circular list
      • Doubly circular list

9] Give briefing upon Data Structures namely “Stack”.

  • A stack is a linear or sequential data-structure that accesses components in the LIFO- Last In First Out or FILO- First In Last Out order.
  • Push, Peek, and Pop are the three primary activities of the stacks.
    1. Push: Appending or adding a newer element into the current data-structure
    2. Peek: Retrieval of the top-most or the 1st component present in the current stack
    3. Pop: Removing/Eliminating an entry from the current data-structure
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10] Explain the terminology “Arrays” found in Data Structures.

  • Arrays are clusters of related aspects of data kept in immediate contact in memory.
  • The fundamental DS is an array, which permits every component to be fetched randomly employing its index-numeric value.

11] Define the terminology “Multi-dimensional” arrays.

  • DS which span more than one degree are referred to as multi-sized arrays.
  • This means that per storage point, there will be multiple index variables.
  • This schema is often utilized when information cannot be presented or maintained utilizing only one layer.
  • 2D arrays are termed as the top frequent heard multi-dimensional arrays.
  • They mimic the tabulated form structure, easier for the user to contain vast quantities of information that can be accessed via rows or columns pointers.

12] Where should one employ the Data-structures?

To work constantly with vast quantity of data, Data structures (DS) are utilized. In particular, DBMS, graphics designing, and compiler designing employ DS the most.

13] Point-out numerous applications of DS Stack.

  • Storage organization
  • Back-tracking operations
  • Evaluating expressions
  • Invoke and retrieve functionalities

14] Brief on the usage of DS in the concepts of BFS then DFS.

  • For BFS, Queue data-structures are employed
  • For DFS, Stacking data-structures are employed

15] For the concept namely “Recursion”, which amongst all DS is employed?

Stack DS is employed with the operation of Recursions because of its LIFO characteristic.

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