C# Interview Questions (Part-3) | Read Now

Microsoft constructed C# or C Sharp computer language. It is also an OOPs supporting computer language which is primarily utilized with the frame-work of .NET. In this post, C# Interview Questions (Part-3) are pointed out that will prepare you for cracking and grab the internship or job chances quickly.

21] How the “constant” differs from the “read-only” mode in C# computer language?

Constant field and constant locals are specified with the keyword namely “Constant”. The continuous field’s data remains static throughout the script; or once the consistent field is allocated, its content cannot be altered. Constant fields with the distinct locals aren’t variables; they’re digits, texts, null links, or the Boolean entries.

To specify the read-only field, employ the keyword namely “read-only”. This keyword implies that the parameter can only be allocated whenever it is a parameter or within some constructor of very same category in which it is specified.

22] How the “early-binding” differs from the “late-binding” in C# computer language?

The .NET infrastructure conducts the binding procedure when an entity is allocated to an entity field in C# computer language.

  1. Early-binding emerges when the binding functionality is implemented at compilation period.  It explores and tests the static entities’ fields and mechanisms. The frequency of run time failures is drastically reduced with early-binding, and it operates very speedily.
  2. Late-binding, on either extreme, emerges when the binding begins at run-time of a script. When entities are dynamic throughout run-time, late-binding arises. It’s sluggish because it’s scanning through while it’s operating.
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23] What one can mean through the terminology namely “Delegates” in C# computer language?

A Delegate found in C# computer language is a functionality pointer abstractions that comprises numerous function references.

You can employ delegates to express a function like the input. Functions can be specified as arguments, retrieved like a value, and preserved inside an array employing delegates.

There are a few relevant attributes inside the term delegate:

  • The first contains an entity-reference, while the other contains a procedure pointer.
  • The instance procedure on the enclosing reference is invoked when you activate this delegate.
  • If the entity reference is empty, nevertheless, the JVM interprets this to imply that the procedure is static.

24] In C# computer language, what is the central purpose of the conditioned pre-processing directive?

To construct distinct conditional directives, commence employing the directive namely “#if”. Conditional-directives are important for assessing whether a symbol or signs evaluate to True. The compiler of the system analyses all the instructions between #if and indeed the subsequent directive if those respond to True value of Boolean.

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25] Brief on the terminology “Generics” in C# computer language.

Generic is a class that enables the person to construct numerous classes and distinct methodologies.

Generic’s main idea is to ensure type to be sent as an argument to procedures, modules, and interfaces.

The lack of good type verifying is a huge downside of collection. Since all classes found in the C# computer language inherit from the entity’s base-class, you can place any entity in a collection. This compromises type integrity and goes against C#’s identity as a type-safe technology.

26] Elaborate on the “virtual functionalities” in C# computer language.

You employ virtual functionalities while you have a procedure specified in a class that you need to be performed in an inherit class. The virtual functionalities in distinct inherited class may be evaluated separately, and invoking these functionalities will be evaluated at execution period.

27] What the terminology namely “single-ton” system pattern in C# computer language mean?

The single-ton system design is a prominent pattern in C# computer language. A class inside this paradigm has only single occurrence in the software, which grants it universal access. A single-ton, on the other extreme, is a class that permits just one occurrence of its own to be constructed and provides consistent straightforward access to that entity.

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28] Is “static-polymorphism” supported by C# computer language?

Yes, it is supported perfectly by C# computer language. To operate on the static-polymorphism, C# utilizes 2 sorts of mechanisms:

  1. Functionality over-loading
  2. Operators over-loading

29] How to brief on “Events” in C# computer language?

An event is a notification something has started to happen. All authorized controllers are invoked when the event happens. Delegates are employed to symbolize event-handlers.

30] Explain the procedure namely “Dispose” in C# computer language.

  • Dispose can be employed to liberate uncontrolled services in the Application field that aren’t in operation, such like directories and network sessions, at any period.
  • Human client code directly calls dispose.
  • We should implement the dispose procedure employing the IDisposable namely interface if we need it.

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