Here is the complete guide on how to apply for SSP SCHOLARSHIP 2021-22.
- SSP is a Karnataka State government-funded scholarship program that is applicable only for those students who are domiciles of karnataka.
- That is the student should have completed his education from 1st standard to currently pursuing a degree in Karnataka only.
- The goal of the scholarship program is to extend the government financial hands to help out the economically backward class students.
What is SSP?
- SSP fulform State Scholorship Portal.
- SSP is a online web based application developed by Karnataka State govenment to provide the scholorship to economically backward class students which includes SC, ST, OBC, Minority, and other categories.
- SSP is applicable for both pre-metric and post-metric students.
- Pre-metric – Students studying from 1st to 10 th standard.
- Post – metric – Students studying from 11th to post-doctoral degree.
Types of SSP Welfare Departments
The following are the categories where state government divided its a scholarship program.
1 | Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Department |
2 | Backward Classes Welfare Department |
3 | Minorities Welfare Department |
4 | Karnataka State Brahmin Welfare Department |
5 | Department of Agriculture |
Selecting Welfare Departments
To reduce the confusion among the students that which department they belong to, the state government has given clarification about this as given below
If you have Agricultural Land? (Use Fruits ID in Step 1) | If the student-parent is a construction worker? (Use Labour Registration Number in Step 1) | The cast of Sponsoring Department as per Cast Certificate | The application belongs to which department? |
Yes | Yes | BCWD/ TWD/SWD/KSBDB/DWD/DoM | Welfare Department, Labour Department |
Yes | Yes | Applied as the General Category | Agriculture Department and Labour Department |
No | Yes | Applied as the General Category | Labour Department |
Yes | No | BCWD/ TWD/SWD/KSBDB/DWD/DoM | Welfare Department |
Yes | No | Applied as the General Category | Agricultural Department |
No | No | BCWD/ TWD/SWD/KSBDB/DWD/DoM | Welfare Department |
Step by Step guide on How to apply for SSP Scholarship
The following are steps the students has to follow strictly to get SSP Scholarship
Visit the official home page of the SSP Website
The Link for post metric scholarship given below
1.Postmetric – Click Here
The Link for premetric scholarship given below
2. Pre metric – Click Here
SSP Account Creation
Once you visit the website of Postmetric you are displayed with two buttons/cards that shows the following options
- Create New Account
- Existing Student
For completion of the SSP scholarship application, the student has to complete total of 7 steps which will be discussed one by one later in this blog.
New Account Creation in SSP

- This is only for those students who applying for the SSP Scholorhip for the first time or who not yet created account with the SSP.
- The student should have to click on the button/ card displaying “CLICK HERE TO CREATE NEW ACCOUNT”

- Aadhar Car is mandatory for applying SSP scholorship
- After selecting ‘Yes’ in the aadhar field student has to enter the aadhar number in the given text field.
- Student has to enter the name exactly as in Aadhar

- Next select the gender
- Student need to type the right answer in validation
- Student need to click on the check box to give consent to use his/her Aadhar card details in the State Scholorhip portal
- After that click on proceed button.
If in case the student has the Aadhar Car then He/She need to enter the 14-digit enrollment number which is given in the acknowledgement copy given at the time of the enrollment.

After entering the student Aadhar details, the student needs to enter his/her parent Aadhaar details
Students need to select the option whichever matches to him/her
a] If the student both parents are alive the select the radio button “Both Parents Alive”

- Enter the Aadhar number of the student father and name as appear in the Aadhar.
- Next enter the Aadhar number of the student mother and also name as appear in the Aadhar.
- After that click on the “Proceed” button.
b] If the student then select the option “One Parent Alive”.
- Student need to select who is alive among his parents.
- And enter their respective Aadhar number and the name as appear in the Aadhar Card.
- Click the button “Proceed” to go to next field.

c] If the student both parents are not alive then select “Both parents anot Alive “
- Student need to enter his/her guardian Aadhar number and name as it appear on the Aadhar Card.
- After that Click the “Proceed button”.

Note:- Student can hit the reset button if he/she want to reset the entered details.
Student after submitting his/her parent or guardian Aadhar details, the student contact details should be entered.

- Enter the Email-ID and Mobile Number ( Note:- Enter the working mobile number because future ssp communication with student will continued with these contact details)
- After entering click on the “Sumit” button.
- Now enter the OTP that has been received after hitting the button “submit” and click on ” Proceed” button.
The student will be asked to create the password for his/her account.
Computer-generated student SSP ID and the student-created password will be sent to the student-provided mobile number which he/she gave at the time of account creation.

Note 1: The student password should contain at least one number, one alphabet, and one special character.
Note 2: The SSP ID and the password will be sent to his/her mobile number through that, student can log in to SSP at any time

Step 1: Study / Caste / Personal Details
Student Personal Details
The following are some of the personal details where the student will be asked to enter in the first step.
- Student need to enter the SSLC registration number and year of passing
- Student need to enter the FRUITS ID -This is required compulsory to apply the scholorship which is released from the Agricultural Department which is under Chief Miniter Raitha Vidyanidhi Progrmme Karnataka.
- Need Construction Worker’s Aadhar number – This is required to apply the for the scholoirship which is releaseld by Labour Welfare Department under Educational Assistance for construction workers childern sheme.
- Need of UDID – Unique Disability Identification Number. UDID is required to apply for the scholorhsip released by the Diability Welfare Department for physically disabled students.
- Student Caste and Income Rd Certificate Details
- Need of Personal Details
Important note to Students
These are some of the important key points where the student has to strictly follow to get his/her SSP Scholarship.
- The Caste and Income certificates should be in the name of the student. If in case the student might submit the income certificate his parents then there will be chance of the application rejection.
- FRUITS ID – It should be in the name of either student or mother or father and not any other relative s.
- The given name should match the SSLC marks card.
- If the studnet want ot apply only for scholorship released by agriculture department, then he/she needs to choose their religion and select “General Category” option in the “caste / category” drop down list.
Phase 1: Enter SSLC Details
- Student need to enter the SSLC details and year of passing as per the SSLC marks card.
- After entering student need to click on ‘GET DATA’ to fetch the SSLC details.
- After click on the button of Save and Proceed to move further.
Note: This is only for those students who passed SSLC before 2004 has to get their SSLC Marks card attested and then use Attestation ID instead of SSLC registration number in order to fetch the details in the system.

Phase 2: Apply under the Karnataka Agriculture scheme or Chief minister’s Vidhya Nidhi Programme

- If the student has the agricultural land than select the option ‘Yes’.
- If the student have the agriculturla but do not have the FRUITS ID, then student can visit FRUITS portal and get the ID to apply for scholorship which comes under agricultural sheme.
- Student need to enter the FRUITS ID as given by the Agricultural Department.
- After entering just click on the button ‘GET DATA’ and the data will be auto fetched.
- A pop up message will be dieplayed on the screen comparing the father’s name as in application submission and the land owner’s details obtained from the Agriculture Department. If both the names are matching only than click on the button ‘YES’. Otherwise enter the correct FRUITS ID because there may be chance of application getting rejection at the time of verification.

Phase 3: Apply under Labour Department Educational Assistance Scheme
- If the student-parent is a construction worker than click ‘YES’.
- Student need to enter the registration number of his parents’s employment and click on ‘GET DATA’ further it will automatically fetch the details
- If student-parent is not contruction worker than click ‘NO’, and proceed further

- A pop up message will be dieplayed on the screen comparing the father’s/mother’s name as in Aadhar should be same as in Laboour Registration car. If both the names are matching only than click on the button ‘YES’. Otherwise enter the correct details because there may be chance of application getting rejection at the time of verification.

Phase 4: Apply Under Disability Welfare Scheme
- If the student have the disability and have a valid UDID number than click button ‘YES’.

- Enter the student UDID number and click on the button ‘GET DATA’
- Then click on the button Save and Proceed.

Phase 5: Student Caste and Income Details
- First select student religion
- Second select student category
- Now enter the caste and income certificate number
- After entering click on the button check, and the data will be auto fetched,
- Cadidate need to verify the caste and income certificate belongs him or not.

Note 1: Caste and Income certificates are mandatory for the student.
Note 2: If the candidate is not eligible for any other scheme but has agricultural land, then he/she needs to select the religion and general category and click the button Save and Proceed. If the candidate selects the category as the general then his application will be visible only to the Agricultural department and will not be visible to any other welfare department.

Phase 6: Personal Details

- Enter the candidate / Applicant name.
- Select the gender of the applicant
- Enter the applicant Aadhar number
- Enter the applicant mobile number
- Enter the applicant E-Mail ID
- Select Home District
- Select Home Taluk
- Pincode of home address
- Distance from the personal address to college in km.
- Permanent address
- Applicant is domicile of Karnataka than click ‘YES’.
- If not a domicile of Karanataka than click button ‘ NO ‘
- Check the entered data is correct or not than click on Save and Proceed to move further.
Step 2: College / Course / Hostel Details
Note for the students in step 2
- If the student is unable to fetch the data while using the University Registration number, then the university is yet to share your admission data with SSP. Once the SSP department receives admission details from the university, the candidate can fetch his details.
- Same thing will be applied if you unable to fetch the details from councilling number.
- If in case the candidate admitted to a counselling course, it is mandatory to enter counselling details in the scholorship application filling which the candidate application will not be visible to sponsoring department for verification and the sanctioning.
Steps to follow to apply in College / Course / Hostel details
a] If the candidate is studying in the University and college outside the Karnataka, then click the radio button “Yes”
- If the candidate studying the Karnataka need not enter University Registration Number, instead upload the Bonafied Certificate and Previous marks card details in attestation portal and get all the documents attested.
- The remaining steps would remain as same for the students studyign in Karnataka and outside the Karnataka.
b] If the candidate studying in Karnataka then click – “No”
Phase 1: Select your University details
- Select the candidate College district
- Select the candidate College taluk
- Select the candidate University

Phase 2: Select the UG or PG or Diploma/ITI PUC course that the candidate studying

Note:-If the university has shared admission data with SSP then only it will fetch the data and continue application submission otherwise “Contact your college or the University”
- Candidates need to enter the correct University Registration Number given by the university.
- Select the candidate college
- Select the candidate course
- Select the candidate course combination
- Select the course year
- Select the mode of Admission
- Select the admission year

Some of the lateral courses for the students who can join for 2nd year lateral entry after completion of Diploma.
Present Course Name | Course Code | Previous Course Name | Lateral Entry Course Code |
B.Com | 114 | Diploma polytechnic | 341 |
Diploma polytechnic | 341 | ITI | 287 |
B.Pharm | 144 | Diploma(Pharmacy) | 163 |
B.E | 118 | Diploma polytechnic | 341 |
B.Tech | 115 | Diploma polytechnic | 241 |
SBc | 257 | Diploma(paramedical) | 334 |
- Select the candidate course
- Select the candidate course combination
- Select the candidate course year

Phase 3: Enter Details of Lateral Entry Course
If the candidate is from lateral entry then click “Yes”.
- Select candidate lateral entry course
- Select candidate mode of admission
- Select candidate admission year

If the candidate is not from lateral entry the click – “No”
- Select candidate mode of Admission
- Select candidate admission year

Phase 4: Enter the previous year course details
If the candidate currently studying in same course and promoted to next year than select the details of the previous course year(2020-21).
- Select candidate exam type either “Annual” or “Semester”.
- Enter candidate previous year CGPA/marks

If the candidate completed a previous qualifying course outside Karnataka then click – YES and NO if candidate are studied previous year in the Karanataka
- Select candidate district
- Select candidate taluk
- Select Previous Year University
- Select candidate previous year college
- Select candidate previous year course
- Select candidate previous year discipline
- Select candidate previous course year
- Enter candidate registration number
- Enter candidate pass year
- Enter candidate no.of years studied in the selected university, college, course.
- Enter candidate previous year marks/CGPA

Phase 5: Hostel and Fee Paid details
The candidate has to select whether he/she staying in the hostel by clicking “Yes” or “No”.

If the candidate has paid the fee to the college then click -yes, and enter the amount paid and upload the fee paid receipt.
If the candidate is not paid then click – No then save and proceed with the application.

- According to 2021 – 22 application submission process, the student studying in Karnataka need not to get a FEE receipt attested by his/her college.
- But for ousiders fee receipt, previous year marks card, bonafide certificate should be attested by attestation officer.
- The attestation officers details will be displayed in the downloads section of the SSP homepage in the due time.
The following are eligibility criteria for different casts and religions.
Religion | Caste | Income | Course | Category | Eligibility Criteria | Sponsoring Department |
Hindu | SC/ST | <2.5 LPA | All Courses | – | Eligible | SWD/TWD |
Hindu | SC/ST | 2.5LPA-10LPA | Technical Courses(BTech, MTech, BE, B,Arch, ME, M,Arch) ———- Medical Courses(MBBS, MD, MS, BDS, MDS) ———- Ayurvedic Courses ( BAMS, BHUMS, BHMS, BNYS) | – | Eligible | DTE ——— DME ——— Ayush |
Defense | Technical Courses( BTech, MTech, BE, ME, B.Arch, M.Arch) | – | Eligible | DTE | ||
Minority | Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddha, Parsi, Jain | less than 2 LPA | All Courses | – | Eligible | Minorities Welfare Department |
Hindu | OBC | | All Courses | 1, 2A, BA, 3B | Eligible | Department of backward class |