Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 7 | Read Now
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 7
7] To write and simulate c programs for ARM microprocessor using KEIL( demonstrate with the help of suitable program) Note: To use KEIL one may refer to the book: Insider’s guide to the ARM7 based microcontrollers, Hitex Ltd, 1st edition, 2005
7] Program code (lab7a.s)
#include<LPC21xx.c> int main() { int a=6,b=2,sum,mul,sub,div; sum=a+b; mul=a*b; sub=a-b; div=a/b; }
7] Program code ( lab7b.s)
#include<LPC21xx.h> int main(void) { int a=0,b=1,and1,or1,exor1,not1; and1=a&b; or1=a/b; exor=a^b; not1=~a; }